Clare Hamilton
In these lockdown days, some of us are coping better than others. We really are all in this together and need to look out for each other now more than ever.
If you are struggling to weather the storm - financially, practically or emotionally - there are local organisations who can help, including:
can help you with:
- making sure you have enough food and supplies
- picking up prescriptions (except in Tunbridge Wells)
- making sure you have someone to talk to by phone, Skype or Facetime.
can provide short term assistance to households facing financial hardship as a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic.
can give you advice about how to manage your money and what support is available from your account providers.
can offer free, confidential support when mental health is impacting your life, work, money, relationships, housing or physical health.
Here you'll find suggestions that can help your wellbeing as well as children and young people's wellbeing.
The pandemic has created uncertainty and anxiety and the constant news can feel overwhelming. This anxiety is natural, and we are all feeling it. Fortunately, there are things we can do to protect our mental health and to support the wellbeing of our friends and family.
'Weather The Storm Together'
Clare Hamilton
Driftwood boat and ceramic wave sculpture.
You'll find out more about Clare's work using the links below:
Instagram @clare_hamilton_design and
The Woodshed Gallery Folkestone
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